Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

The polls are closing and a night of watching the returns is just beginning. At the local level, Ohio decides upon allowing casino gambling and further definition of access to the water table (two seperate issues). As for President, we just have to wait and see. For some historical backdrop I might suggest loking into the Presidential elections of 1800, 1824, 1828, 1860, 1876, 1912, 1932, 1952, amd 1980 (check out this site http://http//www.multied.com/elections/). All of which can be considered watershed elections which turned the political pendulum in a new direction. But throught them all we remained American. That is firm in the beliefs central to the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. I pray that we remain in the future able to have heated poitical discussion but remain truly American and a "City on a Hill" for the world to see.
Update: Real clear politics (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/) is a great site to check out all final results for the election.


Anonymous said...

Obama WON!!!! :D

I just had to say it :)

he beat McCain in a LANDSLIDE with the electoral college votes :)

Anonymous said...

Mr Bacquet. Please explain to me again how Obama didn't win by such a landslide like people were saying. I really wan't to impress my family with my knowledge, and looking deeper into just the amount of electoral votes.


Heather said...

I am just wondering what are something that will now change amoung our government since Obama has won the office? I know there are changes that come along with each change in President's but the changes that have to do with his political veiw's and the things that he said that he would do and the things he believes in. Do you think you can explain this to me?

Anonymous said...

your right, It was only a 187 difference for the electoral votes. As to the popular vote it was really close, but electoral votes count more

Anonymous said...

Hi!!! Guess who this is??

Anonymous said...

I like mccain.

CC chix said...

IDK who r u?????

Anonymous said...

chris h. said...
I like mccain.

November 7, 2008 10:18 AM

This wasn't me and whoever wrote it should know that pretending to be someone else can put you in prison :)

Anonymous said...

oh dear...so many weird comments..... :D

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
oh dear...so many weird comments..... :D

November 8, 2008 6:50 PM

I know, its so fun :)

Tucker Bacquet said...

Please only good questions or comments about the election. Be careful or I will hunt you down and put you in prision :)
But as to the couple of questions worthy of a response;
Blake -look at the electoral map on the link and compare the red and blue states to the electoral vote. The amount of states won by McCain looks about even to the amount of states won by Obama. The tends to reflect the popular vote. However, because of the electoral vote we will see a wider margin.
Heather good question! It seems already that President elect Obama will have to be careful on how much "change" to bring upon entering office in January. The economy will be the first buggaboo to untangle and it really isn't the President's job. That will really fall to Congress. But lets say that the economy takes an upswing by let's say mid July (and that would be really quick) then he could start down the path to other reform on which he campaigned. The NYT had a good article on this today. Here is the link, http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/09/us/politics/09promises.html?_r=1&ref=us&oref=slogin

Anonymous said...

Please only good questions or comments about the election. Be careful or I will hunt you down and put you in prision :)


ok anywaz, I want to know what McCain and Palin plan to do since they didn't win. I know there has been speculation about Palin running in 2012 against Obama. Do you really think that will happen? If so do you think she stands a chance? I know its a long way off but its something to think about. I also understand that it depends on how well the people respond to what Obama does as president, but what is your prediction?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Baquet, Obama won but by how many electoral college votes?? Is it whoever gets 27 electoral votes first? or u have to wait til every one votes?

Anonymous said...

Obama won by 187 votes and the 1st to get to 270 wins

Anonymous said...

wait!!!!! what's prision????? isn't it prison? or jail??

Anonymous said...

what the heck is a buggaboo?? i think bacquet has spent too much time trying to talk to emma..... :P

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bacquet, is there a specific format for the biographies for extra credit?? Like an intro, body, and conclusion?

Anonymous said...

what exactly are civil rights and civil liberties? i have an idea of what they are, but i want to know exactly what they are for the test...

Anonymous said...

Is the summit in Geneva the same thing as the Geneva Conference?

Anonymous said...

Calling for Mr. Bacquet! I'm posting an MIA for you! If anyone sees him tell him we miss him and his updates on this page!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

omg bacquet you need to update your blog!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

These terms are pure evil!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think we should keep these comments professional and not spam his blog with insignificant conversation, yes?

Anonymous said...

okay ur right, no more insignificant conversation.

Anonymous said...

wow u really posted that insignificant conversation comment at 12:55 AM???? wow u really have a life

Anonymous said...

hey no more insignificant conversation! But you do make a good point, person why were you still up at 12:55????????? Do u still think Mr. Bacquet reads this?

Anonymous said...

I agree w/ the person who said stop leaving insignificant comments on his site. This is for school, not your own personal pleasures. So just get your own website if you want to do that!!