Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Crossword Puzzle Help

Crosswaord puzzles are due tomorrow. If you need help with a clue register by following the directions and post a message. I will try to answer periodically throughout the evening until 9:00. You can also answer each others questions by posting a response. Good Luck!


megan said...

on the impeachment of clinton, what is 29 down?

katie said...
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katie said...

29 down is grand

The Russian said...

what is 24 down for the impeachment of clinton?

katie said...

24 down is blumenthal, what is 2 down for the impeachment of clinton?

megan said...

2 down is supremecourt

Tucker Bacquet said...

I am glad to see that everyone has figured out how to use the blog. I will check back every half hour to see if anyone is stumped. Happy hunting -and Stanley behave yourself!

Addie said...

Mr. Bacquet, I'm having a lot of trouble with The Impeachment of Clinton..can you help me?

lrb9212 said...

what is 5 down on the impeachment of clinton?

katie said...

5 down is attorney, what is 28 down?

Tucker Bacquet said...

Addie what is your question? Katie the answer to 28 down is Paula Jones

Addie said...

I have a lot of questions! =P

What is 4 down, 9 down, and 13 down??

lrb9212 said...

9 down is eighteen

Addie said...

ooh! thanks! =]

which ones do you need help with?? i might be able to help you

lrb9212 said...

ya no prob. well do you have 1 or 10 across?

Tucker Bacquet said...

4 down is Kantor; 9 down is eighteen; and 13 down is Pentagon

Tucker Bacquet said...

1 across that is easy -blue dress
10 across is impeach buddy!

lrb9212 said...

thanks mr. bacquet, it's lindsay. if 4 is kantor, what's 3 across?

Addie said...

lol! hey lindsay! it's Adena! =]

3 across is packwood

Julia Kerbs said...

whats 18 across on the Impeachment one ???

Addie said...

im not sure if its right, but i got Carville for 18 across

lrb9212 said...

does anyone have 3, 36, 49, or 51 across and 27 down?

lrb9212 said...
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Addie said...

3 across: packwood

but i dont have any of the other ones.

Tucker Bacquet said...

"does anyone have 3, 36, 49, or 51 across and 27 down?"

36 is Lindsey
49 is Raines
51 is Jordan

27d is Thirteen

Addie said...

thank you so much Mr. Bacquet! I feel bad for asking so many questions, but I'm having a lot of trouble trying to find these!!

katie said...

what is 26 on the gulf war one?

Addie said...

Katie, I got Republican for 26

lrb9212 said...

why you gotta pick on me bacquet? but what is 44 down, and again what is 3 across?

katie said...

oh, then what's 21 one down on the gulf war?

Addie said...

21d is four.

what is 23, 24, and 27 across on the impeachment???

katie said...


2,3,17? on Gulf War

lrb9212 said...

3 on gulf war is divide

Addie said...

oops! i meant down..and i already had some of those, i just forgot to cross them out on my paper! an air head tonight. =P

2: marine (not sure if thats right)
3: divide
17: Saudi Arabia

Addie said...

35, 41, and 42 across on Impeachment?

Tucker Bacquet said...

Check ealier posts for answers. You guys are starting to repeat yourselves.
Impeachment 44d -McCurry
Gulf War 2d is Mobile
3 is divide; 17 is Saudu Arabia

Anonymous said...

17 down is Saudi Arabia on Gulf War Mr. B, please tell us 2 and 3 down on gulf war!

Addie said...

darn! once again, i meant down for 35, 41, and 42..gosh! im out of it tonight!

Anonymous said...

You guys are asking the easy ones.

The hardest ones are 44 down, 45 across on the Gulf war, and then also 28 down and 38 across on impeachment.

What are they?

Anonymous said...

35 down is Reno, 41 down is Ickes, and 42 down is hutchinson

Addie said...

28d: Paula Jones

and i think 45a is middle east

Addie said...

thanks for those! is 25a on impeachment Wright???

Addie said...

thanks! and 44d on the gulf war is Sorties

Tucker Bacquet said...

Gulf War
44d -sorites
45a -Middle East

Tucker Bacquet said...

Impeachment 38a -Starr

Addie said...

Thanks, Mr. Bacquet!

And what's 39a on impeachment?

Addie said...

Well, I only have 5 more answers to get, and I've asked SO many questions already!! So, I'm going to get off.

Thank you so much Mr. Bacquet! I really appreciate your help. See you tomorrow, sixth period!

Tucker Bacquet said...

39a book

Anonymous said...

please tell me2 and 3 down and 58a and60d 65a 63a 55d 41d 63a. i am really tired and i want to sleep so answer soon:]!!!!!

Anonymous said...

on gulf war

Anonymous said...

"please tell me2 and 3 down and 58a and60d 65a 63a 55d 41d 63a."

Gulf War:
2d- mobile
3d- divide
58a- ceasefire
60d- force
65a- fortythree
63a- fired
55d- shield
41d- eleven