Welcome to Clio's Corner! Please stop by to read and comment on posts discussing events occuring in Mr. Bacquet's classes at Lexington High School. There will be links to articles and websites that will be helpful to class discussion and a forum to make suggestions of your own. Since this is a work in progress, don't hesitate to let me know how to make this blog better.
Hey Mr. Bacquet, this is Christian. I think you should have something to do with your WWII class on this blogger. Anyway, I am having trouble finding the answer to question two of chapter 4. How did British resistance influence Hitler's decision to attack the Soviet Union? Can you help?
Hey, this is about our history terms(Am History 2), when are you going to let us turn them in to turnitin.com? I'm leaving over break so I'd like to turnitin early so I don't forget about it. Thanks.
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